How do you become a game-changing organisation?

The ShoppingTomorrow expert group called A Gamechanging Organisation has studied the key characteristics and success factors of game-changing organisations. The group found that there was no single example that covered all the bases. However, they could discern elements or dimensions are essential for any organisation that wants to do some game changing.

How do you become a game-changing organisation?

A game-changing organisation always acts and sees things from the customer point of view. You need to know your customers inside and out. Your organisation must be designed so as to offer optimum support to your customer on their customer journey. The expert group defined four essential building blocks of game-changing organisations. The bluepaper by the expert group includes an infographic explaining these in further detail.


  • Purpose-driven: the organisation knows why it exists, which problem it solves or which need it meets.
  • Active sponsor: The leadership team embodies the change and walks the talk.
  • Performance-focused: Determination and result are key.
  • People-driven: Commitment to people management is vital.


  • Analytical skills: Staff members are able to process and apply data.
  • Social skills: Staff members are skilled communicators who focus on connections.
  • Creative skills: Staff members think outside the box.
  • Autonomy/personal ownership: Staff members ask themselves, “How can I contribute to the organisation goals?”

Way of working

  • Work hard/play hard: Make sure your organisation is a safe and inspirational environment, where hard work and good people vibes produce ideas.
  • Tech-driven: Every day and in every team, technology has a leading role in effecting change and building progress.
  • Cross-disciplinary teamwork: We adopt a multidisciplinary mindset at work and are not limited by structures.
  • Flexibility: We are able to effortlessly adapt our working methods to changing circumstances


  • Data-driven: Management is done based on internal and external facts and developments.
  • Transparency: Everyone has a clear understanding of decisions, rules and values.
  • Everybody on the same page: Management presents a clear outward narrative.
  • Funding/resources: Budgets command innovation and organisational development.

So, how do you start becoming game-changing as an organisation? Finding inspiration by examples nearby is good, but engaging in conversations within your own organisation might be even more important. In the blue paper, the expert group – which is run by Gwynth and The People Side of Change – offers tips how do deal with that.


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